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Loren D and Amelia Sanders Squire: 1964 at Sandra's
I will use in this chapter the following definition of Philosophy: "a system for guiding life."From the time I was a boy of twelve years of age I have been collecting proverbs, sayings, and quotations that have appealed to me, and which have been a guide in my way of life. I do not intend to make this lengthy; but will try and follow this proverb, "Words are like sunbeams, the more they are condensed the deeper they burn." This is one proverb I have always attempted to use in preparation of talks etc. I am a firm believer in this statement: anyone who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard should be removed by the foot.
One of the first on my collections was a proverb carved on trees and board fences by my older brother and read: "Do not be a problem, be an example." Most all proverbs and etc. are self-explanatory so will not attempt to add to the wisdom of the wise of the past.
Benjamin Franklin said, "If you would have many friends, praise men and flatter women." One defines flattery as soft soap and soft soap is ninety percent lye. However I don't ever remember of meeting one man or boy who did not have at least one good trait that he could be praised for. Pick that good trait and praise him for it and you will not be false in your praise. And again I don't ever remember of meeting a girl or woman without there was something lovely, good, or nice about her that she could be complimented on without it being false flattery. For instance, I heard a very beautiful young lady sing a solo, her ability to sing was far from soothing to the nerves, yet she flushed with pleasure when I told her she was a beautiful singer...again, another young lady who was sadly lacking beauty in her features, yet had a very lovely voice was very thrilled, after hearing her sing, to have me tell her she sings beautifully. Occasionally I find the combination and can say, "You are a beautiful singer and you do sing beautifully."
I do not know of anything you can do in life that will pay better dividends than a word of praise to anyone for a job well done. However, give this word of praise to them while they are alive and can hear you say it, don't wait until they are dead and say it at the Funeral. In fact, these few lines are some of my choice ones:
DON'T WAIT When I quit this mortal shore,
And mosey around this earth no more,
Don't weep, don't sigh, don't grieve, don't sob,
I may have a better job.
Don't go and buy a large bouquet,
Don't go and buy a large bouquet,
For which you'll find it hard to pay.
Don't hang around me, looking blue;
Don't hang around me, looking blue;
I may be better off than you.
Don't tell folks that I was a saint, Or any old thing that I ain't.
If you have dope like that to spread,
Don't tell folks that I was a saint, Or any old thing that I ain't.
If you have dope like that to spread,
Please hand it out before I'm dead.
If you have roses, bless your soul,
If you have roses, bless your soul,
Just pin one in my button hole
Today while I'm alive and well,
Don't wait until I'm dead and gone to !
Here are a few of my favorite ones of Benjamin Franklin's:Fish and visitors stink in three days...
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half closed after
Glass, china, and reputation are easily cracked and never well- mended
search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices
Beware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship
The end of passion is the beginning of repentance
The doors of wisdom are never shut.
Here are three that I remember Uncle Axel Tullgren quoting:
Work for a reputation and it will work for you.
Credit is one of the best things you can have; but one of the poorest things you can use.
When a neighbor remarked one day that I was a very lucky man to have seven sons to take care of me in my later years, he said, "Well I've never seen a kitten bring a mouse to an old cat yet."
Here are others:
Following the line of least resistance is apt to make men as well as rivers crooked.Sow a thought; reap an action
For you girls, peaches that everybody handles, nobody wants to buy.
With some people you spend an evening, with others you invest it.
Happiness is like jam, you can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself.
Social tact is making your company feel at home even though you wish they were.
Worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due.
Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important
Flirtation is paying attention without intention.
A contract is an agreement which creates an obligation.
Unlike horses, the wildest girls are the easiest to pet
If you want your wife to be an angel, don't treat her like the devil.
Santa Claus is the only man who pays any attention to silk stockings when there is nothing in them.
Watch your temper, the emptier the pot, the quicker it boils.
A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger (proverbs 15: 1) .
Mud slung is ground lost .
So much down usually means so much to keep up.
Today while I'm alive and well,
Don't wait until I'm dead and gone to !
Here are a few of my favorite ones of Benjamin Franklin's:Fish and visitors stink in three days...
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half closed after
Glass, china, and reputation are easily cracked and never well- mended
search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices
Beware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship
The end of passion is the beginning of repentance
The doors of wisdom are never shut.
Here are three that I remember Uncle Axel Tullgren quoting:
Work for a reputation and it will work for you.
Credit is one of the best things you can have; but one of the poorest things you can use.
When a neighbor remarked one day that I was a very lucky man to have seven sons to take care of me in my later years, he said, "Well I've never seen a kitten bring a mouse to an old cat yet."
Here are others:
Following the line of least resistance is apt to make men as well as rivers crooked.Sow a thought; reap an action
For you girls, peaches that everybody handles, nobody wants to buy.
With some people you spend an evening, with others you invest it.
Happiness is like jam, you can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself.
Social tact is making your company feel at home even though you wish they were.
Worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due.
Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important
Flirtation is paying attention without intention.
A contract is an agreement which creates an obligation.
Unlike horses, the wildest girls are the easiest to pet
If you want your wife to be an angel, don't treat her like the devil.
Santa Claus is the only man who pays any attention to silk stockings when there is nothing in them.
Watch your temper, the emptier the pot, the quicker it boils.
A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger (proverbs 15: 1) .
Mud slung is ground lost .
So much down usually means so much to keep up.
If you see good in most people, most people will see good in you.
Vacant lots like vacant minds often become the dumping grounds of rubbish.
It has never been so dark and cloudy, that the sun did not shine again.
When you pray, Lord, I will keep on rowing, you steer the boat.
Work is the yeast that raises the dough.
A shady business never results in a sunny life.
A shady business never results in a sunny life.
A lady is a woman who makes it easy for a man to be a gentleman.
Criticism is one of the few things people would rather give than receive.
The best way to break a bad habit is to drop it.
As we live this life, we all leave footprints in the sands of time, whether you leave the imprint of a great soul, or just that of a heel, it's up to you.
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Visiting the Old Manti Home |
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Nov. 1988: L to R. DuWayne & LoRene Turner, Scott, Jerald, DeLance, Don, Phil, Sandra Howard, Adrien; Front Loren D. and Amelia S. Squire |