DuWayne & Helen Squire 65th Wedding Anniversary
Mom and Dad were married on December 10, 1947. Dad was 19 years old and mom was 17. Mom was a senior at Hurricane High. In August of 1947, DuWayne asked Helen's parents, Ed and Thora Gubler, for permission to marry my mom. After DuWayne asked, there was a long pause and he was worried about the answer, when finally the answer was yes. Apparently, Ed had had a brain freeze and was running through the names of dad's brothers before he could retrieve the name, DuWayne. Thora and Ed told my parents that they could marry when the St. George Temple reopened. It was closed for renovations and was to remain closed for a year. Well, in December it was announced that the temple would open for 2 weeks so that couples who were waiting to be married could have that opportunity. So my parents said to my mother's parents, "You said that we could get married when the St. George Temple reopened." And the rest is history... Mom and Dad married and had nine children, Kirk, MJ, Krystal, Kim, Brad, Verlynn, Sheralee, Melodee, and Cyndee.

It was fun to get together with my siblings to honor and celebrate our parents' 65th wedding anniversary. We enjoyed each other's company at the Mandarin Restraunt in Bountiful. We missed MJ and Joan. MJ was recovering from knee surgery. We hope he has a quick recovery. We also missed John, a fireman cannot pick and choose when he works.
Kim, offering appetizers. |
Nancy & Kim |
Jo Ann & Brad |
Tom & Verlynn |
Dean & Melodee & Sheralee |
Bret & Cyndee |
I shared the following story previously, but I thought it was appropriate to share it again. I have added my relationship in parenthesis.
by Sarah Wilson Sanders (paternal ggm)
The LaVerkin LDS Ward was organized on June 22, 1904 with Morris Wilson, Jr.(maternal ggf) as bishop. A rock schoolhouse, built in 1905, also served as a recreation hall and church building. A committee composed of Bishop Morris Wilson, Relief Society President, Hattie Woodbury, Primary President Sarah A. Sanders (author & ggm), and MIA President, Minnie Wilson (maternal ggm), planned the first LaVerkin Christmas party and program in 1904. Bishop Wilson hauled a cedar tree from the foothills. The butt of the tree was thrust into the hub of a wagon wheel, which served as a stand. The committee decorated the Christmas tree with threaded popcorn, popcorn balls, colorful homemade paper chains, and wax candles. They brought mosquito netting from the Isom store in Virgin City and made bags that were crammed with nuts and candy as presents for the children. They invited Jim Cornelius of Virgin City to ride down and act as old Santa. The people attending the first Christmas party were the families of Bishop Morris Wilson (ggf), Joseph Gubler (maternal ggf), Henry Gubler, William Sanders (paternal ggf), George Jones, William Hardy, Arthur Woodbury, George Judd, and Allen Stout. The eyes of the children sparkled when the candles were lit and the program was presented. Then Santa appeared to distribute the sacks of candy and nuts. His beard caught fire while he was removing the candy from the tree. Mrs. Joseph Gubler (Mary Hunt, ggm) began to claw the burning cotton from Old Santa and scratched his face. Although Santa lost his disguise, no serious injury was caused and everyone enjoyed the party like one big happy family.
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