Sunday, March 10, 2013

Loren DeLance Squire Family History Chapter 3 part 2

This entire post is just two letters between brothers, Freeborn (3ggf) and Isaac DeMill. It is very interesting to take a step back in time and hear the voices of the people living at the cusp of the American Civil War. My dad, DuWayne Squire, turned these actual letters into the Church History Library. I was allowed to read the original letters with gloved hands. I am glad that my grandfather included these two letters in his history. Through these letters you get an intimate view of the great divide in families over religious differences. It was great to read my third great-grandfather's testimony in his response to his brother's, Isaac's, letter.

This is the preface from my Grandpa Loren Squire:
The following are copies of old letters found among papers left after my grandmother's death at the home of my father. I will copy them as written and spelled. The writing is in a very neat and pretty hand. This first letter is to Freeborn and wife, Anna from Freeborn's brother Isaac and wife, Sarah DeMill.

Saline, New York, Dec. 27, 1857

"Dear Brother and Sister, we are all well as usual. It is very healthy here and has been for two years and there is an abundance of all sorts of provisions, so if we have a contented mind we can have a continual feast. The weather is fine for winter, there is a little snow on the ground now so we can stay inside if we wish. I should like to know what makes you think there will be a famine in the land? I am sure there is no sign of it here at present. I don't know what you can see out there in the Mountains; but I think you put too much confidence in what Brigham Young tells you. In my opinion he knows no more about what is coming to pass as to regards famines than we do here and I don't believe that God ever made a revelation to him in any way unless it is to repent of his wickedness. Now I don't want to hurt your feelings but for some time I have wanted to tell you my views on the subject of Mormonism; but it would be of no use, I suppose for you won't believe anything if it looks ever so reasonable, unless it agrees with your views...You say the bible is only a short sketch of the history from Adam to the Apostles. Well, supposing it aint it is all that you or we have or can get and what we haint got, we don't know anything about.

"But we have more now than we live up to perhaps, but you don't quote scripture right all ways. You say the bible says Deacons must be the husband of at least one wife, you might as well say they should be the husband of one wife only, but if there was no bible about it I think common sense and a little serious reflection would teach a man better than to think of having more than one wife and the woman that would willingly become the second wife whilst the first one is living must be a curious kind of a woman in my opinion, but as a man thinketh so is he. I think you was deceived in the first place by Jo Smith and Sidney Rigdon and led away from the right way and before we knew it you was off with them. Well, you have a right to your religion as long as it don't interfere with the constitution of the United States, but what religion can there be in rebelling against the government. It is not for your religion that the U.S. Troops are sent to protect the officers that are sent there. Now what does it look like to have Mormons bum the grass in the valleys and bum the wagons and supplies that are sent there by the government for the benefit of the troops. What does this look like? Don't you suppose them valleys and mountains belong to the government, or do you think because Brigham Young has led the Mormons off there that they belong to him and he is constantly sending out men into all parts of the earth to deceive all they can to come there by telling them and when they get there he tells them they must help to make it Zion and now he defies the government to drive them off. He threatens to raise the British flag...How would that look to see a British flag on American soil? 0! Brother...can't you begin to peep through the dark mistry. You see, if Young don't show you all a trick yet. Just how many emigrants he has caused to be murdered, robbed and some he has taken prisoners and shamefully abused and put in prison and I don't know but they starved to death there. You may wonder how I know anything about these things. I have read a book that was written by a woman that went to Nauvoo and from there to Salt Lake. Do you remember anything about Mrs. Bradish? You may try to make us think it aint trew, but there is a man here, that was there and knew the woman that wrote the book and he says it is trew. If I had the book now I would give you some of the contents. It's awful. The man has a brother there now and he was there three months and came away with Fremont. In your paper I see the names of some that are in the book. The woman was in Nauvoo when Jo Smith was killed and she knew all about a great many things that took place on the rout to Salt Lake and after they got there. You say you are the happiest people in the world; but she told a different story from that. She says girls are compelled to marry men that have other wives. Their fathers will compel them to marry against their will if he can get more property by it. Well for my part I can't see how you find women for so many wives unless you find more silly women than men to follow the seducers that are sent out in the world to deceive and blind the poor creatures and when they get there they are not allowed to leave unless they go or run away and I mite say steal away with emigrants that pass through and then they are followed by the Donites or painted mormons or artificial Indians and frequently the hole train are murdered and the spoil taken to get more rebbels there to help to fight the troops that are sent there. Well you call it Zion but I should call it Babylon. Perhaps I have written too much all ready but you want us to flee to Zion now; for he says in his history that America is Zion, both north and south. You speak of the north and south being devided. Do you mean that you have had a revelation to that effect; or is it only the signs of the times.

"What I have written, I have written; but not to hurt your feelings, but I want you to look at things as they are and not be deceived. Write again as soon as you get this. We remain as ever your affectionate

Brother and Sister,

Isaac and Sarah DeMill

And must I now the world forsake 
And fly direct to grate Salt Lake 
And leave my friends and flee
To a land where poligamy is free?
"Don't be offended, but write soon. I put this in an old envelope for it is better than the new ones that we have." (end of letter)

 (Insert by Loren D. Squire) The following letter is in answer to the one above. Just how there was a copy of it among the papers found I do not know: this also was written in a very neat clear hand.

Manti, June 29, 1858

"Dear Brother and Sister: We received your letters on June 22nd dated November and December and we were glad to hear from you and were also glad you wrote your mind in plainness. You say it is no use to preach polygamy to you and we believe it; but I think you judge me very hard although I am not offended. You think I am deceived and blinded and led away by the lusts of the flesh and the lusts of the eyes and that I marry women to gratify my carnal lusts. I deny the charge you have condemned things you know nothing about. I would tell you by what authority I done as I have and my motive for so doing; but it would be no use for I see by the spirit of your letters the more you hear the harder you are. I can tell you I have not done it without good authority, there is none so blind as them that won't see. We have read the passages you referred to; but find nothing contrary to the principle of polygamy. We believe that adultery is the greatest sin a man can commit except denying the holy ghost after having received it; or shedding innocent blood. As for Joseph Smith being a Prophet it makes no difference whether you believe it or not. We hear the same stories you tell about and a great many more about as foolish. Years ago we were acquainted with him in Broome County before he got the plates and afterwards and know all about it. You have got ahead of us in getting the news from Salt Lake City. It is true the people here are gathered from many nations and will be from all. We read in the bible that Israel shall be scattered among all nations. Now I will not quote much scripture for I am forgetful and perhaps will make a mistake; but if l do it will not add to nor take away from the Bible. I think the Lord says by some of the old Prophets "I will gather them out from every nation under heaven withersoever I have scattered them." We read about his sending hunters to hunt them and about pushing them together from the ends of the earth. Now we varily know that these men you call deceivers are servants of the living God called and chosen of him to help perform his great work in these last days. It will be accomplished tho men and devils oppose for the Lord hath said he will perform his work this strange work and bring to pass his act his strange act. Now you say there two classes of people that gather here one are poor silly creatures that are deceived and led away and that they are not allowed to leave if they wish too. You talk as tho you knew it was so but I know it is not so. You talk as tho you would not believe our testimony. Well you can do as you like but let us look for a moment at your testimony. You say you have read a book that was written by a woman that went to Nauvoo and from there to Salt Lake. I do not know anything about this woman I never heard the name before. I suppose she apostatized and went back. You say it is awful and that there is a man there that knew the woman and that he said it is true. That is but one witness who is that man? Is he an apostate or a mobcrat. Now if you chose to believe that testimony and reject ours and thousands of others (that you can have if you will take the pains to get and read them) you are welcome too. But remember it will stand against you in a coming day. Now is it possible that you will believe that fathers will compel their girls to marry against their own will to get more property because that woman says so? Do you think that we poor deluded creatures become so degraded when we get here in the mountains that we have no care for the peace and happiness of our children? I say as I said before that we as a people are the happiest people in the world. You say that woman tells a different story. Well I don't think there was any happiness here for her for we read in some of the prophets of old that sinners in Zion shall tremble and fearfulness shall take hold of the hypocrite. We read somewhere in the bible about some believing a lie that they may be dammed but if you believe all that you have wrote to us you must believe a multitude of lies. It is true that some of the filth and of sewrige of the earth are gathered here else there would not be so many to run back to the states and tell such abominable lies. You know that Paul talks as tho false brethern were the worst creatures he had to deal with in his day. Now aint it strange that so many get back alive. I hear there is a great many more a going back. I suppose when they get there they will say they just escaped with lives. But we cannot blame them much for they know if they tell the truth they will not be received there. You think that Brigham Young is not fit to govern a territory but I think he had some government over the United States troops for when they came marching up here like a mob (without any official notice being sent by the government) with their silk robes prepared to hang the leaders of the church and the soldiers bragging all the way what they would do with the women. They were as big as the grasshoppers that came here a few years ago; but we did not fear them half as much. When they got as far as Hams Fork Brigham told them to stop and they stopped. If they had not they would have been sent to hell a cross lots or some other way. But he conquered them without firing a gun and they stayed there until he told them they might go to Fort Bridger. They went there and stayed there until this summer. Then Uncle Sam or Mr. Buchannan happened to think he had better send some men to see what was the matter and they found there was no rebellion here against the government no laws had been broken only what some of the officers themselves had broken. No officers had been abused unless they abused themselves running after the squaws as there is no accommodation houses here like you have there in that Christian country. No emigrants have been killed nor imprisoned or starved to death here. Now if old Buck had of taken that step in the first place he could of saved a heap of money. They have come to Brigham’s terms now and made a treaty. The people here have been quietly minding their own business all the time. We don’t want to kill folks but we have been mobbed and robbed enough to stand in our own defense now. You say that Brigham Young has threatened to raise a British flag? That was never heard of before in these vallies. When he raises it please let me know and I will go and see how it looks. You want me to see things as they are here? But these great and abominable wicked things you write about are not to be seen here. I should have to go back to the states to see them. Now we do not wish you to flee to Zion unless you want to, it is true you are in the land of Zion, but Zion is the pure in heart and I want to be where I can help to make it Zion. We read that truth will sweep the earth as with a flood and gather out the righteous from all nations and the work is now began and when it is accomplished both north and south America will be Zion and all that will not help to make it Zion will be cut off. You want to know if I feel safe here? Yes I feel safer here than I would in any other place on the face of the earth, because I know I am with a people the Lord owns and blesses. All I fear is that I will not be faithful enough in keeping his commandments and obeying his ordinances. You think I was deceived and led away from the right way; but it is not so for I always had that fearful foreboding you speak of until I found the right way and ever since I have been free indeed. Although we should have to flee to the mountains and live in dens and caves like the saints of old, that fear will find no lurking place in a saint of God. Now I could tell you something about emigrants being killed if it would do any good; but I see it is a great deal easier to believe a lie than it is to believe the truth. Now when some men in camp goes through the Indian Country, as is often the case, they will shoot an Indian or commit some depredation and then the next company that comes along are sure to reap Indian vengeance  That was the case when Capt. Gunnison was killed and one of our near neighbors, a mormon was killed the same time. He went with them as a pilot and if they had listened to him they would not have been killed. He pled with them to camp in the open prairie  but they would camp near the brush and in the morning the Indians came up and fired on them when they were eating their breakfast. You may call them artificial Indians if you like. Now about the famine and the north and the south being divided. If you do not believe it, just wait a while and I think you will have a revelation there that will cause you to wish you were in Zion. July the fourth now, and you ask what has become of the officers that was sent here and their books and property. You say I know as well as you, and I suppose I do; but I did not know anything about it until this morning I read an article in the News written by some teamsters formerly connected with the Utah expedition. It was taken from a paper printed in Los Angeles, the fifth of June. They tell how friendly the Mormons were in helping them along through their settlements, without which they say they never could have reached their destination. It then goes on after making these statements they solemnly declare for the information of the public that they heard his excellency, Governor Cummings assert on the public stand in Salt Lake City relative to the United States court records as circulated by Judge Drummond and others to be false, unfounded and most malicious representation and that the said records were delivered over to him in good condition and were at that time in his charge and custody. You want to know if Brigham has to see all the letters you write? That is something I never thought of before. We live one hundred and thirty miles from him and have not seen him for more than two years. There is one thing more I will speak of concerning the history of the Bible. You say it is all we have or can get and you say we have more now than we live up to...perhaps; but I think we have a great deal more than we believe or else we would not say we cannot get any more, for the Lord says he will give line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little and blessed are they who believe and receive these things. If you read the prophecies and believe them you must know there are great things to take place before the coming of the Savior. Do you think there is a set of people on the earth that has got knowledge and wisdom enough to prepare themselves to abide the day of his coming without revelation. If you have found such a people perhaps you had better tarry with them; but I cannot learn that God ever owned or blessed a church on the earth unless he had Prophets and Apostles in it. Therefore I could not feel safe anywhere only with this people. Now Brother, I thought I had wrote enough and I don't know but that you will think so, but I looked over your letters again and see what a picture you have drawn and I cannot refrain from writing a little more. I would like to show you who has rebelled against the government; but it would take me all Summer to write all I know about it. This people has been driven five times from their homes and their property by mob violence in violation of the laws of God and the laws of Humanity and the laws of the United States, Now just look at it, who rebelled against the government and who took the spoil? Did they take it to get more rebels with and when we were driven from Nauvoo and from what you call civilization into a savage country, it was then the government called for five hundred of our most able bodied men to go to Mexico and they went and left their families to get along the best they could and while they were gone in the service of the United States the poor, the old, the lame that were yet in Nauvoo were drove out by the point of the bayonet and some were killed. Now will you please look at it and tell me who rebelled against the government, now what next? Why as soon as we got here and got the wilderness turned into a fruitful field the mail was stopped from coming here and all for what? Because the great officers told some great lies. Now brother what does this look like? Does it look as tho this people were led by a prophet of God. I think it does for the savior said, 'Ye shall be hated of all nations". You speak about a dark mistry. There is no dark mistery in mormonism. It is all light and truth, eternal truth. Now I could prove every word I have wrote and ten thousand times more if I had time and room; but one thing I will tell you whether you believe it or not; the mormons never have rebelled against the constitution of the United States, never no never.

The many questions you have asked I answered them quite free
And thought it not a heavy task To explain them unto thee,
But you have now rejected all Advice and answers to.You say it is no use to preach
Polygamy to you...
Then why so many questions ask And expect to answered be,
And then reply I know it all And wish that you could see
You say Polygamy is wrong But still you want to know
When to another woman sealed What process we go through? Now if we answer it to you
You will not us believe.
But to some old dissenters tale Great credence you will give We ask you not to come away From Babylons wicked clan
If you with them do wish to stay Farewell: 0 foolish man.

Freeborn and Anna DeMill
Freeborn DeMill

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