Sunday, July 29, 2012

Morris Wilson, Jr.

This is a great story of faith and forgiveness written by my maternal great-grandfather.

An Experience of Morris Wilson, Jr. While in the Mission Field
Kershaw County, South Carolina 20 August 1897

            For six or eight weeks men had been working together to organize a mob to drive us out of the state.  Many threats were made and the homes of some of the saints were visited and threatened with violence if they let us stay with them.
            The Church had burned down in Fairfield County.  We had five Sunday Schools to look after so we kept moving from place to place and kept out of the way of the mob. 
On the above date, the Methodists were holding a Sunday School convention at their church about a half mile away from where we had a number of Saints and a Sunday School organized.  They learned that we were there, and about 11 o’clock at night they came to the home of Brother James Dixion, broke the door down, and about 35 men rushed into our room, drawing their guns and pistols on us.  They ordered us out of bed.  We got up and dressed.  Two men took a hold of me and two took a hold of Elder Behrmann, and marched us into the woods.  There they gathered around us, and the leader of the mob told all of those present to take a good look at the Mormons.
I tried to talk to them, but they would not listen.  They had two leather straps about 2 ½ inches wide and 6 to 7 feet long, with which to whip us.
The two who held the straps asked me to take off my clothing.  As I was warning them regarding their proposed actions, they started to whip me over the head.  I knelt down and four men grabbed me and took my clothing off my body.  When they came to my garments, they examined them closely, but made no attempt to remove them.  They took hold of my hands and feet and stretched me out on the ground, while the two men whipped me until they were satisfied.  Then, two more men took the straps and satisfied their hatred.  Thus, six men poured out their vengeance upon me.
Then, came Elder Behrmann’s turn, and they ordered him to remove his clothing, which he did, leaving the garments on.  As in my case, they did not remove them.
As they were whipping him, I lay on the ground not far away, looking at them, when a big ruffian struck me with his fist over my temple.  This is the only time that the spirit of anger came upon me, and I doubled up my fist to hit him, but in a moment that anger left me, and I smiled at him and said, “Oh, you poor wretch,” and he left.
When they finished whipping Elder Behrmann, they came back to me and said, “This is the one you want to whip, as the kid will go wherever he takes him.”  So they stretched me out on the ground and whipped me again.
The leader then asked if we would leave the state.  I told him yes, but did not say when.  Then, a voice said to me, “Forgive these men.”  I stood up and a power came over me so sweet and peaceful and I said, “Men, we forgive you for what you have done tonight, and we will ask God to forgive you.”  They then fled, cursing and in a moment we stood alone.
Just then Brother Dixion (in whose home we were staying) came.  He being absent from the home when the mob overtook us.
The power of the Lord was with us and gave us strength.  We were perfectly calm, and no fear was upon us.  They tried to hurt us with all the power they possessed, but we were protected by the power of the Lord.
The next morning we arose from our beds and felt no ill effects from our experience.  The people were surprised and the Saints rejoiced with us for the gift of God in our behalf.

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